Housing Assistance
MCCAC offers a range of supportive housing stabilization services in Wasco, Hood River & Sherman Counties
Programs include:
- Shelter & Transitional Housing Services
- Rapid Re-housing Rental Assistance for Houseless Individuals & Families
- Supportive Services For Veterans Families (for more Veteran info click here)
- Eviction Prevention & Support
If you, your family, or a person you’re working with need help, click the link below to get started.

Additional Services Available
Click here to see other resources available In our communities.
Questions? Contact us.
The Dalles Office
The Gloria Center 2505 W 7th St, The Dalles, OR 97058
Tel: (541) 298-5131
Hood River Office
606 State St., Suite 1B • Hood River, OR 97031
Tel: (541) 298-5131
Recipients of MCCAC's housing program funds are asked to consent that their household data be entered into a computerized record-keeping system called ServicePoint, which is managed by Northwest Social Service Connections (NWSSC). The following is NWSSC's Privacy notice, adopted and slightly edited by MCCAC.
Our agency enters personal and demographic information about you into a computerized record-keeping system.
The information is used to plan delivery of services & to provide statistical information for setting goals and showing outcomes.
The information you provide will be used for administrative and operational purposes, to improve, provide and coordinate services.
The information you provide will be used for functions related to payment or reimbursement for services, to monitor program effectiveness, and to prepare reports and statistical information without personal identifying information.
You have a right to refuse to let us enter and share your household data. If you have safety concerns, please share these with a staff member.You will not be denied services even if you refuse to consent to share your data.
Your personal information may be seen and shared among staff members, select community service providers, and either system administrators or program funders who maintain the computerized record-keeping system.
You have a right to see your electronic record and ask for any corrections.
You have a right to file a grievance if you feel you have been harmed in some way by the use of the computerized data system.
Fair Housing Standards
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of:
· Race or color
· National Origin
· Religion
· Sex
· Familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18)
· Disability
What Housing is Covered?
The Fair Housing Act covers most housing. In some circumstances, the Act exempts owner-occupied buildings with no more than four units, single-family housing sold or rented without the use of a broker and housing operated by organizations and private clubs that limit occupancy to members.
MCCAC staff members are expected to treat all clients fairly. Housing discrimination can be reported by following this link: https://fhco.org/report-housing-discrimination/
MCCAC clients who believe they are not being treated fairly or given fair access to housing/shelter assistance programs can also report this to MCCAC’s Director of the Office of Housing Stabilization and Executive Director. To start that process, clients can email housing@mccac.com AND info@mccac.com. They may be directed to follow MCCAC’s grievance/appeals procedures depending on the nature of the complaint.
Reasonable Accomodations
MCCAC housing clients who need to request a reasonable accommodation can do so by reaching out using one of the email addresses above or letting the staff member they are working with at MCCAC know that they have a disability and need:
• A change in a policy or rule that is necessary for them to apply for or participate in a MCCAC housing program
• An opportunity to successfully address a problem that led them to be excluded from a MCCAC housing program (on the basis of rule violations that took place because of a disability, etc.)
• A physical change to the program enrollment or participation process necessary to accommodate their disability.
• A change in the way MCCAC communicates with them or gives them information.
If a client or prospective client states that they have a disability and have a special request, or need an accommodation or modification, MCCAC staff will provide them with a Reasonable Accommodation/Modification Request Form and help them fill it out if needed. Staff has the right to contact the client/prospective client’s medical or therapeutic provider to make sure the client has the disability and that what they are requesting is necessary for them to successfully participate in MCCAC’s housing or shelter program(s). If the client/prospective client can demonstrate to MCCAC staff that they have a disability and that their request is necessary, MCCAC staff must do their best to accommodate them. MCCAC staff will give the person submitting the request an answer within 5 business days unless there is a delay getting the information MCCAC staff needs from their medical or therapeutic provider. If staff turns down the request, they will explain the reason to the person making the request and this will be done in writing. It may be that it is too costly, too much work for staff, or a service that our organization is unable to provide. If that is the case, MCCAC staff may be able to work with the person making the request to come up with another accommodation/modification that MCCAC would be able to provide. All information about the request will be kept confidential unless it is required to be shared with a medical, therapeutic, or other provider for the sake of verifying the client’s disability status/necessary accommodations.
It is unlawful discrimination to deny a person with a disability a reasonable accommodation in existing rules, policies, practices, or services if such accommodation is deemed to be reasonable and may be necessary to afford such person full use and enjoyment of the premises or program.