Hood River Shelter

Seasonal Winter Shelter

Opening Monday, November 25, 2024 through mid-March 2025

Addressing the shelter and supportive service needs of our most underserved community members, together.

Hood River Shelter | Fact Sheet

  • Each winter, the Hood River Shelter provides a warm and safe place to sleep, along with access to basic needs items including food, clothing, bedding, and toiletries, shower and laundry services, and connections to housing case management and other supportive services provided by community partners.

    Since 2009, the Hood River Shelter has operated first as a program of Gorge Ecumenical Ministries(GEM) and then for a time as the independent non-profit, Hood River Shelter Services (HRSS). In 2020, Hood River Shelter Services began to collaborate with Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC), bringing the grassroots, community-based foundation of the Hood River Shelter together with the long-standing housing stabilization and poverty elimination services provided by MCCAC. In 2023, HRSS and MCCAC merged in a strategic alliance, with the Hood River Shelter program coming under the umbrella of MCCAC.

    MCCAC is dedicated to continuing to provide shelter services in Hood River County, and is working with other partner members of the Mid-Columbia Houseless Collaborative to stabilize the region’s shelter and rapid rehousing system while also supporting the development of longer term solutions as we work toward a future where everyone in our community has a safe and stable place to call home.

  • Services at the Hood River Shelter include:

    • A warm, safe place to sleep

    • Healthy meals

    • Clothing, bedding, and toiletries

    • Access to showers and laundry

    • On-site visits from housing, health, and social service professionals

    For information about available shelter beds or other emergency lodging resources available to Hood River County residents during severe winter weather events, fill out a shelter intake form here or call (541) 965-0990.

  • At the Hood River Shelter, MCCAC staff can help you access other supportive services in our communities such as:

Volunteer & Donate

Make a difference in our community!

Community members support our work in many ways!

Questions or interested in volunteering?

Contact us at info@mccac.com for more information.

You can provide support by making a financial contribution or by donating needed supply items.

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