Mid-Columbia's 2023 PIT Count Reveals 5% Rise in Houselessness, Highlights Regional Disparities and Need for Services
MCHC Sarah Kellems MCHC Sarah Kellems

Mid-Columbia's 2023 PIT Count Reveals 5% Rise in Houselessness, Highlights Regional Disparities and Need for Services

The results from the January 2023 Point in Time (PIT) count in the Mid-Columbia region have been collected. While the numbers have not yet been confirmed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), preliminary data shows an overall 5% increase in people experiencing houselessness throughout Wasco, Hood River, and Sherman counties as compared to data collected in 2022.

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MCCAC and WAGAP to provide cooling kits instead of opening cooling centers
MCHC Sarah Kellems MCHC Sarah Kellems

MCCAC and WAGAP to provide cooling kits instead of opening cooling centers

In response to feedback on how to best meet the needs of the community, Mid-Columbia Community Action Council and Washington Gorge Action Programs made the decision to stop operating cooling shelters in the Columbia Gorge during extreme heat events and instead distribute kits containing supplies such as water, sunscreen and other items to people in need.

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Houseless Collaborative goes on a roadshow
MCHC Kelli Horvath MCHC Kelli Horvath

Houseless Collaborative goes on a roadshow

A massive bi-state effort is underway to change how agencies work together to address the issue of housing people in need. Beginning in November, the new Mid-Columbia Houseless Collaborative (MCHC) will present to city councils and county commissions as it shares its vision.

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